Cactus Trees

The barrel cactus plant is a remarkable tree that is native through parts of North and South America. They span from the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta in Canada down to Chile and Argentina. Mexico contains the greatest quantity of cactus species.

Beautiful and unmistakable

Cacti come in a variety of sizes and general appearances, each unique and exquisite.

The barrel cactus plant has unique characteristics that assist them in storing water. The stem of the cacti is what is used to retain the most water. And they do a great job as water forms up to 90% of the total mass of a cactus! Both the spines are the areoles produce the beautiful flowers on cactus trees.

The flowers come in a wide variety of colors and appearances. Cacti have many uses with some cactus species being used as a natural medical treatment. For example, the prickly pear cactus is used by some to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), type II diabetes, and other ailments.

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